Musk - a time-tested recipe


Musk Extract

«Musk Extract»

Awarded the Paracelsus Medal of Honor from the European Academy of Natural Sciences

Natural immunomodulator "Musk Extract". A dietary supplement to the diet


Castoreum, 38% water-alcoholic musk gland extract. "Musk Extract" contains no artificial chemical ingredients or preservatives.


General tonic; has a positive effect on the immune and urogenital systems, gastrointestinal tract and liver; increases sexual activity; helps with stress, fatigue, physical and mental stress.

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Musk Forte

«Musk Forte»

Awarded the Paracelsus Medal of Honour from the European Academy of Natural Sciences

Natural Immunomodulator. A dietary supplement.


Castoreum, Musk gland extract with the addition of Shiitake mushroom. In "Musk Forte" there are no artificial chemical ingredients and preservatives.


General tonic; has a positive effect on the immune and urogenital systems, gastrointestinal tract and liver; increases sexual activity; helps with poisoning; stress, fatigue, physical and mental stress.

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Musk Phyto

«Musk Phyto»

Awarded the Medal of Honour from the European Academy of Natural Sciences.

Natural Immunomodulator "Musk Phyto". A dietary supplement


Castoreum, musk gland extract with the addition of valerian rhizome powder and rose petals. Includes borneol, vitamin C, carotene, B vitamins and vitamin K. Micronutrients zinc, manganese, phosphorus, chromium, molybdenum, silicon, vanadium. Minerals calcium, potassium, copper, iron, magnesium, selenium. Musk Phyto has no artificial chemical components or preservatives.


ЗGeneral tonic; has a positive effect on the immune and nervous system, has a beneficial effect on the heart muscle; shows dilating properties against coronary blood vessels, lowers blood pressure in hypertension; increases sexual activity; helps with stress, fatigue, physical and mental stress.

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Raw musk

«Raw musk»

"Musk" is a raw material obtained by the lifelong method, without contact and violence to animals, and its use is possible:

  • - or the production of dietary supplements(TU) 15.8 - 2672106537 - 002:2008
  • - for perfumery, cosmetics and hygiene products according (TU) 21.1 -2672106537 - 004:2016
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